Friday, January 31, 2014

How to tell that your Electricity Company doesn't love you any more...

It happened again. After spending days last year convincing my unnamed-for-legal-reasons electricity provider to give me their best rate, I am Terribly eXcited to Unveil the same issue this year.

It's the same old scam, they let you have the new lover plan, we'll call it "X" for the first year - lovely low bills. When it's time to renew, they have fallen out of love with you and send you a "lets be just friends" letter which proves it by offering you plan "Y", the prestigious opportunity to pay 30% MORE for your electricity!

When you call and beg them for another chance at Plan "X" they tell you "That plan is not available any more" LIE.

How do I know? Read the next blog to find out...

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